Tuesday, November 1, 2016



· General background:
Asmae is a French international solidarity NGO specialized in child development. Independent, non-religious and non-political, it is open to everyone.
Created in 1980 by Sister Emmanuelle following her experience with scavengers in Egypt’s slums, Asmae keeps on respecting its founder’s values and methods: listening and proximity, pragmatism, respect of the differences, professionalism and reciprocity.
Asmae’s action aims to support vulnerable children and their families through providing tailor-made and long lasting support to local stakeholders working on child education and protection.
Its vision, “A fair world which guarantees that children can live and grow with dignity within their environment, to become free women and men who contribute to society”, is broken down into four missions:
o Stimulate child development through a global approach. To do this, Asmae also works on family support by taking their environment into account;
o Build the capacity of local stakeholders involved in child development, boost cooperation amongst them and maximize their social impact;
o Stand up for children by raising awareness and advocating;
o Experiment, disseminate and share practices.
Nowadays Asmae supports education and protection projects through 59 local organizations in Burkina-Faso, Egypt, France, India, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali and Philippines. Furthermore, in France, Asmae also directly manages a mother and childcare center.
· Asmae in Egypt background:
Asmae is registered under the Ministry of Solidarity since May 2015. Asmae promotes child education and care within three areas of intervention: prevention of school drop-out and underperformance. Support to children with disabilities and prevention and care of children at risk. Asmae is currently supporting eight Egyptian associations working in informal areas of Greater Cairo, in Alexandria and Arment (Luxor governorate). Asmae Egypt’ team is based in Cairo with six persons: one Country Representative, one Office Assistant, one Administrative and Finance Officer, one Project Officer in process of recruitment, and two Translators/Interpreters.
· Job Title: Project - Partnership Manager
· Location: Cairo (Egypt)
· Line Manager: Country Representative
· Line Report(s): Project Officer, Technical Adviser, Consultant
· Main functional relationships: Office Assistant, Administrative and Finance officer
· Status: French fixed-term contract
2. mission :
The Project-Partnership Manager leads the direction for developing Asmae’s interventions in a given country, and implements the Asmae strategy in that country. He coordinates and ensures the monitoring and evaluation of the activities in collaboration with local partners, and facilitates relationships within the partnership. He capitalises on and promotes the supporting activities implemented within the country, and contributes to the acquisition and monitoring of public and private funding partnerships. In addition, he leads and manages the staff working under them.
Should there be no Project Office in the country concerned, he is also responsible for ensuring that this role is fulfilled.
The Project – Partnership Manager follows the local security and safety rules and procedures and participates to the security context analysis.
3. Responsibilities :
3.1. Implementation of the intervention strategy in-country:
· Contributes towards situation analyses (both geographic and sectoral) for the development of the Asmae interventions in-country
· Participates in developing strategic and operational planning (including: the strategy for supporting partners within the sector, provisional budget, annual action plan)
· Ensures the monitoring and evaluation of Asmae’s intervention strategy in-country
· Identifies, initiates and ensures the monitoring of relationships within the partnership (research, initiation, developing contracts, closure) and of projects implemented by local partners
· Manages needs analyses of partners, then establish a support plan (advice, technical support, training) in collaboration with the Technical Consultant
· Organizes regular monitoring visits with local partners, ensures a support and advice programme, and mobilises sufficient resources in line with the action plan and Country Budget
· Ensures the operational monitoring of supporting activities and projects implemented by local partners, and contributes to facilitating bodies for this purpose
· Leads on funding applications; supervises the monitoring, reporting and evaluation of projects
3.2. Management of Human Resources:
· Leads and manages the team working under his direct supervision
· Contributes to the recruitment and integration of relevant national and international staff
· Contributes to ensuring that Asmae’s practices are in line with existing notional regulatory frameworks
· Ensures that security regulations are respected and implemented, and ensures the implementation of tasks assigned by the Country Representative
3.3. Financial and Budgetary Management:
· Participates in the development of the Country Budget, in line with the intervention strategy and respecting internal procedures
· Contributes to the preparation and smooth running of financial audits, both of partners’ projects and of Asmae’s activities, in collaboration with the Administration and Finance Officer
· Together with partners, elaborates the project budgets
· Ensures that operational monitoring and financial monitoring are consistent, in collaboration with the Administration and Finance Manager
3.4. Facilitation of Internal and External Relationships:
· After approval of the Country Representative, identifies, organises and/or participates in thematic groups with national and international stakeholders working in the fields of education and child protection
· Participates in organising visits from colleagues from Head Office, donors, Asmae partners and institutional actors
· Supervises the preparation and execution of the international workcamps
· Participates in developing support structures for external communications
· Contributes to facilitating team meetings
· Contributes to implementing intersecting activities from the HQ Program department
4. Profile :
Education / Experience
· Master Degree in International Relations, Cooperation, Development, Humanitarian Aid or equivalent
· Minimum 3 years of experience in project management
· Significant experience in Partnership relations with local nonprofit organizations (opening – support – termination)
· Experience in Education or Child Protection project management
· Experience in monitoring-evaluation, and project reporting
· Security Management in a difficult context
· Team Management in a multidisciplinary and multicultural context
· Knowledge of the geographical area is an asset
Professional skills required
· Capacity to elaborate a country intervention strategy
· Donor Rules and Regulations working knowledge (French Development Agency, EU, USAID, UN Agencies, bilateral cooperations)
· Pack office Management
· Excellent in English and French (oral, written)
· Knowledge of Arabic is an advantage
· Excellent writing and synthesis skills
· Competency in reinforcement in capacity building, project management and training
· SAGA (accounting software) knowledge is an asset
Personal skills
· Excellent in building relationship and representation
· Sense of analysis and proposition capability
· Adaptability and flexibility
· Strong autonomy and team working focused
· Stress resistant and climatic conditions resistant
5. Practical Information :
Duration: 24 months
Starting date: December 2016
Salary: 22 000 – 24 000 € brut/year (according to experience and expatriate premium not included)
Other advantages: Annual Flight Ticket Leave Professional expenses reimbursed (transportation, communication, visa…)
Contract: French Expatriate fixed term contract
The position is based in Cairo.
The position requires frequent travels inside Greater Cairo and fields to Upper Egypt.
The office languages are English and Arabic.

Please apply on our internet web site: http://www.asmae.fr/fr/jobs/